
projection, web, infrared tracking
200 x 240 x 50cm
location: University of the Arts Berlin UdK (Germany)


Rooms, places, objects as transmedial interfaces

Man extends his body through use of tools. The computer and the internet serve also as tools for extension of his action. In the future rooms and objects will react on this issue, on the human need of transmedial connection to his surroundings. There will be transmedial interfaces in railway stations and airports ect. and this will give a new quality to them. They will create a new culture of waiting in mobile situations.

This medial extension will not be limited to mobile phones and laptops. There will be new realities. "Campillow" is an example of how an object of daily use will be extended through interaction with the internet. Internet browser and pillow unite together to access the world.

With a pillow as a magnifying glass in their hands, visitors navigate across a map of the world and zoom themselves into the scenery. This map made, up of web cam feeds, makes it possible to explore the course of the sun and events in public places worldwide around the globe via the pillow.